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Allora IT Blog

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  1. Why SS7 vulnerabilities are such a big deal? The tricky
  2. IPv4 is slightly faster than IPv6, not a good selling point
  3. Good news for CryptoLocker victims, it looks like it's the
  4. This is the first event of this nature of this sale. While
  5. Incredible speed with RAID0 running up to 4 M.2 drives
  6. Wonderful news! IE and Edge are going away for good. Ever
  7. Quantum computers: "soon near you?" or another cold-fusion
  8. Mr Heisenberg regretfully impedes further development of
  9. A compilation of interviews with owners of Managed Service
  10. Fellow business owners! Earn 80,000 bonus points with Chase
  11. Do you have concerns over Contactless credit cards? Let's
  12. Which SmartPhone-Pay system is best for you? Apple users
  13. Delightful news! Every two years one would need to go
  14. We made a screencast introduction to the concept and use of
  15. Mr Snowden presents an AntiSpy app. It's OpenSource and its
  16. Windows 10 comes with a LOT of bloatware (bundled apps) that
  17. It appears that 20 years in IT is like 2 thousands years in
  18. NGINX (web-server) numbers have been steadily growing for a
  19. Krack Attack - WPA2 protocol is by far the most popular as
  20. "climbing to success" story by our client Zavazone! Allora's
  21. Generally speaking Allora Consulting only provides
  22. [ 3D VR x UHD ] provides quite a challenge, Intel provides
  23. Value of intellectual property. Losses due to piracy.
  24. OK, google, fight back! Here's a tip: childish voice for
  25. At least it's just a computer virus leaked from NSA vs a
  26. Neverending saga of arms race: bots and reCAPTCHA
  27. In the wake of Valentine's :) to all sys-admins!
  28. Removing and putting back the Start button is what matters.
  29. AT&T apparently does NOT compete with TWC.... on planet Mars
  30. Sometimes you expect a message or just need to reach out to
  31. Our office building got some vacant offices. Very nice
  32. It makes one wonder: what happened to anti-monopoly agenda?
  33. Attention Windows 10 customers! If you want to shield M$
  34. Allora Consulting is looking for a bright, enthusiastic
  35. NAS is usually associated with file storage or enterprise
  36. Allora is now offering phone systems for businesses. Thanks
  37. Dear Java Plug-In , it's been the best news that could
  38. Techy details on what Windows 10 sends back to its
  39. Allora released its new website design:
  40. GoDaddy is very impressive when it comes to massive
  41. Windows 10 is pretty heavy on claiming rights for your
  42. At last MaxFocus would get one of the top AntiVirus
  43. An FYI message to NC residents: If you have TWC Internet at
  44. Our veteran VIP customer just turned 30 !!
  45. Special virus-robber-hostage-taker apparently requires a
  46. A blast from the past
  47. Network Solutions can no longer handle their business.
  48. Google Fiber is during its design phase in the Triangle Area
  49. Eshetu, if you are not sure how to approach this task, you'd
  50. Sometimes jumping through endless hoops of automated voice
  51. Visual timeline of hacking methods and targets. Take a peek!
  52. If you manage your own network / server it's worth updating
  53. Just FYI: $60 b/w laser printer with color scanning. So far,
  54. Allora recently designed a website for a small company that
  55. "It wasn’t a good week for a number of Office 365 users in
  56. In its infinite wisdom Microsoft decided to present itself
  57. Part-time System Administrator needed
  58. A major security flaw affecting several versions of
  59. What it boils down to: do NOT use Internet Explorer. If
  60. Heartbleed bug can lead to a number of bad, bad things. For
  61. Our IT Maintenance is based on four principles illustrated
  62. We are extending our Web-presence, please take a look! Let
  63. We got a chance to look deeper into exploring Windows 8.1
  64. Thanks to Ward Conant from NCALA we were introduced to a
  65. It's been a few years of relying on Cloud technologies like
  66. We really appreciate all birthday wishes and congratulations
  67. 10 years ago a new firm Allora Consulting LLC was registered
  68. Have you had good experience with customer service and
  69. Come visit with Coach Caroline and register for coaching
  70. This short video breaks down our main principles on
  71. Facebook is superb for a variety personal activities like
  72. FeDex's Small Business division got curious to know about
  73. Heads up!! There's a new type of a pretty successful virus
  74. We wanted to give a shot to list our firm with Yahoo Local
  75. Trying out Samsung Galaxy 4: VPN (L2TP) works out of the box
  76. For the month of September, 2013 all new and existing
  77. There are times when a Microsoft Exchange bug costs more
  78. If you have quite a few computers in need of tune-up,
  79. "Sorry, it's not a bug - it's a feature! You see, Mark
  80. is barely alive this morning, essentially down
  81. It came to our attention that DELL is artificially degrading
  82. Bloodless war
  83. Google Drive triples the storage to 15GB. To-do List in
  84. Recently we've been involved in the local business
  85. Today Google indexed another page on AlloraConsulting.Com:
  86. Dear Larry, Sergey and GMAIL directors. Everyday we're
  87. Lately our mod_evasive (a Web-Server module fighting of
  88. "we’ve reduced game crashes by 92% from day one" Cloud
  89. Hurray!
  90. AlloraConsulting.Com is now running an AntiVirus e-commerce
  91. Interview with Paula Jones - Director of Technology at N.C.
  92. Sadly, Google no longer offers free Google Apps for
  93. We've ended up selecting the same route in a similar quest
  94. We're happy to announce the launch of
  95. Are you struggling to get ideas for the content on your
  96. SEO process is truly a tedious one however in `just` a year
  97. Some clouds are rather tricky as we learned again today.
  98. The term `Cloud` has been buzzing for a few years now. So,
  99. Are you considering deploying a WiFi network? Wondering if
  100. How to build a USB to USB or FireWire based network instead
  101. Thanks to SEO - now routinely attracts
  102. Got a Google account? Check out Google Drive! It's similar
  103. Arms Race in Search Engine Optimization climbs another step
  104. Two new clients of Allora's recently ran into a serious
  105. Dropbox is a great way to backup important stuff, handy
  106. Most home users upon purchasing a new PC turn it on, gallop
  107. This sleek Web Design Cost estimator does produce numbers
  108. Allora Consulting will host a booth at the up coming AENC
  109. Got a cool idea and would like to start up a business? Let's
  110. Now folks can comment directly to our knowledge base